Fiction Friday: [Zazen]

With the dulcet tones of New Age music surrounding her, Audra felt weightless. Inhaling deeply, she held it for a moment as she floated. She exhaled and her mind filled with images of…violence and murder.

She untangled her legs and plodded down the hall trying to recall the last time her boyfriend had annoyed her this much. He was on the floor with his back against the couch, fingers dancing frantically over the game controller. She stared at him for a while, but it was clear that he didn't realize she was there..

“How am I supposed to meditate when you have this thing blasting?”

Her exasperated gesture toward the television went unnoticed, his eyes never leaving the gun-toting, carjacking character on the screen. The silence hung in the air so long she doubted that he’d heard her.

“Sorry, babe,” Denny finally said.

The rich colors of the game reflecting in his eyes and the lack of remote control reaching betrayed the sincerity dripping from his voice. A string of past apologies played in her mind and she questioned the authenticity of each one. A pain radiated along her jawline drawing her attention to her clenched teeth and pressed lips. All of this wasn’t worth a fight right now. She wanted to feel centered, not angry.

She shot one last look toward Denny through narrowed eyes and grabbed the headphones off the coffee table. Heading back to the room she had to remind herself to breathe.

“I really am sorry,” he said and with the sounds of squealing tires and utter carnage dissipating, she believed him.

Audra crossed her legs, inhaled deeply and smiled as she placed the headphones on the floor.

Fiction Friday: [A Life Extraordinary]

A calm breeze shakes the long blades of grass to life. They tickle my cheek as I stare up at the marshmallowy cloud looming overhead. Impossibly out of reach, I wonder what my life must look like from up there. 

Boring, I decide. Extremely boring.

Looking over at Will—his arms clasped behind his head and eyes closed—I know he never thinks such things. He’s content to just lie here, basking under the sun, on this unseasonably hot spring day. Right now, he’s happy here. Doing this. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sometimes I envy him.

Closing my eyes I become weightless. Air quickly fills the space between my body and the lush field of green as I ascend. A coolness washes over me as I enter the wispy folds of the cloud. Tiny beads of icy moisture cling to my skin, but as I break through to the other side, heated rays from the sun evaporate each one.

Perched atop the cloud, I feel free. So free that I’m hesitant to peek over the side. To witness a life less fantastical than this very moment.  But, curiosity wins out and I do.

Expecting to see a woman muddling her way through a humdrum life, destined to have a humdrum future, I am taken aback by what plays out before me. Every event of my life, leading to this moment, is projected in flashes. Suddenly, I am glowing. Radiating from the choices I’ve made and the work I’ve put in to get me here.

I see my future—the extraordinary things to come—and feel foolish for ever doubting my life was less than amazing. From here I can see how capable I am. How big my heart is. How incredibly lucky I am to be me.

I see my family, my friends—my Will.

Despite the distance, we’re clear as day. Two people in a field of many who all just seem to fade away. I am overwhelmed by how gently and trustingly he places his heart in my hand. 

Opening my eyes, I am back on the ground. Back to my life.  I reach over to Will, weaving my fingers through his. Right now, I am happy here. Doing this. Nothing more, nothing less.