Fiction Friday: [Up From The Shallows]


[This week's Fiction Friday was my submission for Scene Stealers #24. Scene Stealers is a fun writing prompt from Write to Done. For this prompt, we had to use the sentence they provided to open the story (as written) and it couldn't be longer than 350 words. Click the link above if you want to give it a try. In the meantime...enjoy!]


She settled herself in the shallow water and looked at him, waiting to be amazed.

It was a gorgeous day. A day rife with possibilities. But, he’d never been one to seek out the possible. No, he’d always been content to sit safely by as the rest of the world took chances around him. Staring at the sand sparkling around his firmly planted feet, she wondered if he would ever aspire to anything greater than just existing.

She turned her attention to the water and marveled at how the sun danced along the ocean’s peaks. She inhaled the salty air and lavished under the sun’s kisses. She wished for him to truly see how beautiful it all was. 

From the corner of her eye, he came into view as he took one tentative step followed by another.  She held her breath when he paused, his toes touching the craggy edge of the darkened sand where the ocean had met the earth. His toes seemed to dance in rhythm with her heartbeat before disappearing under the frothy edges of the crystal blue water crashing into the beach.  

The sound of the surf faded under his giggles and the sun seemed to dim in comparison to the sparkle in his eyes.

“I did it, mommy! I did it!”

The calls of the seagulls circling above were no match for his squeals of delight. The rays of the sun no match for the heat of pride swelling in her bosom. 

Today was a gorgeous day. It was a day rife with possibilities.

Fiction Friday: [One Tough Job]


Neil couldn’t stop staring at her tiny fingers. Nimble they were not, but he marveled at her determination. Her little hand was like a carnival claw as she tried again and again to grab a Cheerio off the tray. There were no signs of excitement when she finally succeeded—clutching the crunchy ring in her fist. She stubbornly kept her mouth open while her hand hovered drunkenly, less than an inch away from it. When the treat reached its goal, he couldn’t help but cheer a little inside.

It had been difficult in the beginning. All she seemed to do was cry. Cry and poop. But now he could see that she was a little person. He was fascinated by her clumsy hands and chipmunk cheeks. Her bright, inquisitive eyes and fat smooshy thighs. He found that when she smiled, he smiled. When she laughed, he laughed.

He watched as she mindlessly gummed the treat—her focus returned to the circles still on the tray. Staring at the déjà vu of it all, he couldn’t help but wonder who she would become. What she would grow up to be.

He imagined her as a doctor, or a lawyer, or President of the United States. He wished for her to find love, to get married and have a family. Ultimately, he just wanted her to grow up to be happy and kind and loved.

She wiggled back and forth, clapping her hands, pleased with herself as another Cheerio reached her mouth. She looked up at him, revealing her two tiny teeth as she smiled. Heart melting, Neil clapped his hands and smiled back. By the time Stu came into the room they were laughing.

“Hate to break up playtime,” he said sarcastically, “But the parents called—they have the ransom. Get her ready to go.”

“Alright,” Neil said.

He tried his best to hide the overwhelming sadness that suddenly gripped him. Stu wouldn’t understand.

Then, he thought about her going home and imagined her graduating from high school, then college. He imagined her curing cancer and mediating peace talks. He imagined her happy and then, just like when she smiled, or when she laughed, he was happy, too.

He pulled her from the highchair and she kicked her legs with excitement as if she understood.

“Looks like you’re going home, sweetie,” he said as he handed her one last Cheerio.


Fiction Friday: [Advantage Fara]


I wiped the blood from my lip as a smile spread across my face. Although it wasn’t my intention, the fact that it angered her was a bonus. When you’re angry, you’re not focused. She lunged at me and I crouched down sideswiping her leg. Before her head hit the ground I was on top of her, my knees digging into her thighs, my hands gripping her wrists.

The whistle blew and I got off of her.

“Advantage Fara.”

I looked across the mat as she shook out her arms and rolled her wrists. I shot a little smirk her way in hopes of riling her up even more.  It was easy to see that it had worked.

On the whistle, we cautiously made our way toward one another. I could see in her eyes that her judgment had clouded. She hated me and that trumped all her years of training.

I scanned her body noting that her breathing had elevated, her fists were tight, her core slack, her lip curled. Instead of scanning me for weak spots she kept her eyes locked on mine.

When she lunged at me again, I lowered my shoulder into her soft abdomen and used the momentum to flip her behind me. Landing on her back, I heard the unmistakable sound of the wind being knocked out of her.

Using my knees, I pinned her shoulders and my hands to pin her knees. She was not happy about it. Spitting expletives, she thrashed under my grasp and only grew angrier and more insulted when I didn’t budge.

Finally, the whistle blew.

“Advantage Fara.”

As I rose, she kicked me in the butt causing me to stumble forward. The ref blew the whistle again and raised the red flag. I laughed as I made my way to the side of the mat. She was seething.

Searching the stands I found Agent Olandu and watched as she scribbled into a notepad bearing the TELIA seal. I hoped she was writing about me. At sixteen years, four months and three days I was determined to be the youngest recruit pulled from the academy. And after that I would work hard to become the best agent they ever had.

The whistle blew and my focus tunneled once again to the task at hand. One more pin and I would be one step closer to my goal. Unfortunately for her, she was only going to get angrier. Advantage me.


Fiction Friday: [Higher Ground]


They say that New York City isn’t a very friendly place. I’ll tell you what, if I weren’t me I would have to disagree. I see the way they treat each other and man, what I wouldn’t give for just a fraction of that kindness.

Unfortunately, that’s not my lot in life.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bothered by the way they look at me. Like I’m a piece of trash or as if my very existence inconveniences them somehow. Even worse are the ones that talk about me like I’m not even there.




They say.

I’ve lost count of the number of times a child’s been yanked away before they got too close. How many times I’ve been shooed away like I’m not even worthy of human companionship.

And as if on cue, a loud talking, burly man holding a cart dog almost steps on me.


“Get away from me you flying rat! Man, you’re so disgusting!”

His boot has me locked in its cross hairs and my instincts kick in.  Spreading my wings I rise before he can connect. I safely perch myself on one of the fancy light posts dotted along Central Park South and look down at the man who is now shoving his middle finger my way. I can’t return the gesture, obviously, so I’m just left feeling frustrated and highly offended.

Satisfied that he’s debased me enough, his attention returns to his friends. Look, I know by now that his lashing out is more about impressing them and less about me, but it doesn’t make it sting any less.

I look out over Central Park, hoping its beauty will bring me comfort. I remind myself that I am better than the insensitive lunk below. I remind myself that I am doing the best with the life I’ve been given. I remind myself that I took the high ground, morally and literally.

But, the more I hear his voice I am reminded of how much he hurt my feelings. A black cloud mixed with anger and sadness wells up in me and before I realize it I have flitted along the post and am directly above him. Then, without hesitation, I release my breakfast.

Enraged, he starts hurling expletives at me, but they fade in the wind as I fly away hoping to lose myself in the park, wishing I felt a little more satisfied.
